In the lesson, we will learn about pulse width modulation, the implementation of this control method in Arduino controllers, and the modes and functions of working with PWM in Arduino.
Lesson 36. Development of a Peltier module controller using Arduino. Switching voltage regulator.
With this lesson, I begin a series of articles on switching stabilizer, pulse width modulation regulators, and output power control devices.
Lesson 35. Connecting STEP/DIR stepper motor drivers to Arduino. The StepDirDriver library.
In the lesson, we will connect the STEP/DIR driver TB6560-V2 to the Arduino board and learn how to control it using the StepDirDriver library.
Stepper motor driver TB6560-V2. Description, characteristics, recommendations for use.
In the article, I talk in detail about an inexpensive popular module - the TB6560-V2 stepper motor driver. Based on my experience with it, I will focus on the practical application of this STEP/DIR driver.
Lesson 34. STEP/DIR stepper motor drivers. Basic concepts. STEP/DIR protocol.
In this article, I talk about STEP/DIR stepper motor drivers, the advantages of using them, and the STEP/DIR control interface.
Lesson 33. Bipolar stepper motor in the Arduino system.
Using the L298N driver, we will connect a bipolar stepper motor to the Arduino board. For control, we will use the programs from the previous lessons for unipolar motors.
Automatic ampoule filling and sealing machine “Borgia” series V20.
It is one of the main and most popular products of the new V20 series of filling equipment.
Lesson 32. An open-loop stepper motor positioning system.
In all the articles on stepper motors, I never tired of repeating that a stepper motor combines an electric drive and a positioning device without feedback. In this lesson, I want to demonstrate the use of a stepper motor in an electric drive positioning system.
Lesson 31. Arduino stepper motor driver with computer control. Communication protocol using AT commands.
In the lesson, we will develop a stepper motor driver with computer control. I will talk about text-based communication protocol using AT commands. We will learn how to control a motor using the Arduino IDE serial port monitor and the top level program StepMotor.
Lesson 30. Text strings in Arduino. Converting data to strings and vice versa. String class.
In the lesson, I will tell you about text strings in Arduino, about the String class, about converting various data types to text strings, and about the reverse operation-converting strings to numbers.