In the lesson we will develop a real, workable project of the security alarm system. You can easily adapt the device to your tasks and conditions.
Monthly Archives: November 2018
Security alarm system with your own hands.
The article presents a simple security alarm project, a description of the operation, resident software (firmware). The device is not difficult to assemble with your own hands. All the information necessary for this is in the article.
Lesson 16. Improving the reliability of programs for Arduino. Watchdog timer.
In this lesson we will talk about ways to increase the reliability of programs for Arduino, learn how to use the watchdog timer in the Arduino system.
Lesson 15. Pointers in C++ for Arduino. Conversion of different data types to bytes.
In the lesson we learn what pointers are, and how they allow us to optimize the program code, learn how to convert complex data types (int, long, float ...) into a sequence of bytes.
Lesson 14. EEPROM in Arduino. Data integrity control.
The lesson describes how to work with the internal EEPROM of the Arduino board, about data integrity monitoring during storage and transmission.
Lesson 13. Analog inputs of the Arduino board. Reading analog signals. Measurement of the average value of the signal.
Lesson 12. Serial port UART in Arduino. Serial library. Debugging programs on Arduino.
The lesson describes the Arduino board UART serial interface, the library for working with it, and the use of the UART port for debugging programs.